

A better tomorrow in vision, Rashtriya Nav Nirman undertakes a humble yet regimented mindset.


As part of declining the strength of child labour in target areas, about 1,250 children belonging to underprivileged sections i.e., very poor, HIV/AIDS infected, orphans/semi-orphans, physically challenged and fire victims have been provided primary educational supplies i.e., school uniform, bags, study and sports material, tuition fee and dining material.

About 82 kids belonging to very poor tribal communities in sea-coastal villages have been provided education and nutrition support by the established 2 child education centres.

About 12,000 families and 55,000 populations belonging tribal and other vulnerable communities in the sea-coastal villages of Prakasam and Guntur Districts have been ensured safe drinking water facilities by installing about 600 drinking water bore wells so far.


Promotion of 50 Sustainable and Self-reliant rural communities.

Establishment of Rural School in Healthy atmosphere with International standards to avail the quality of education to rural children.

Eradication of Child labour in 50 Communities.

Accessibility of Potable water facilities in all 50 targeted Communities through Water Treatment Plants.

Secured Shelters to all families in all 50 targeted Communities.

Eco-friendly Sanitary Facilities to all families/ disabled in all 50 targeted Communities.

Vocational Skill Training support to 250 Rural adolescents.

Establishment of a Permanent Vocational Skill Training Centre in rural area to train the rural youth / adolescents on upgraded job oriented skill technologies.

Establishment of Senior Citizens home for Orphans.

Establishment of Soil, Water Quality and input testing centre for the benefit of farmers.

Make the all farmers in all 50 targeted villages to adopt IPM / IDM practices and cultivate crops in organic methods.

Establishment of Rural godowns to provide storage facilities to agriculture products of the farmers.